Saturday, June 4, 2011

Peter Comes To Visit!

I was incredibly lucky to have my boyfriend come visit me while I was studying in Germany! Peter spent one week in Germany and split his time between Tübingen and Kronberg, where his mom lives. We had a great time! His first day here, we went with a group of friends to the Stuttgart Frühlingsfest which was basically a big carnival/amusement park. Sadly my camera had no battery, but here is a photo of the amazing rollercoaster we went on with Jennifer and David:

While Peter was here I had two big exams, so we didn't exactly do lots of exciting things. But he was a great help in studying especially since he is rather good at German. (Ha, ha.) Here he is in the park with my favorite cheap pizza and a döner for lunch the day of my big culture exam:

On Peter's last day here we had breakfast in the beautiful square by the Rathaus (city hall), followed by a long walk towards Bebenhausen and a dinner at a greek restaurant nearby. Then he flew back to New York to start summer classes!

(Here we are together at breakfast. In two-and-a-half weeks we have our third anniversary!)

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