This morning began with my discovery of a hilarious tea: Heiße Liebe. For those of you without German, this means "Hot Love." Apparently there is a whole line of these funny-named teas! Anyway, it was raspberry-vanilla flavored and quite pink!
After, we went walking into woods around Kronberg and visited a sweet little spot called Viktoria-Tempel, which is a little sitting-gazebo with a marvelous view of Frankfurt and the local towns. It was chosen and created by Queen Viktoria, like the parks around here (hence "Viktoriapark"). Then we continued, more down, and visited a castle, Burg Falkenstein.
It was BEAUTIFUL! Full of people relaxing, having picnics, kids playing, dogs running around. With a marvelous view.
Here is me, at the wall that overlooks Frankfurt and the towns:
And here is the view, Frankfurt in the distance:
Then we went and had ICE CREAM! It was delicious. Now, we are relaxing a bit after having found a train for me tomorrow morning. Tonight we are going to Sabai Sabai, her favorite restaurant, so I can try the (apparently BLUE) kamikaze. And then in the AM I will have my train to Tübingen! Wow! I'm sad to leave Kronberg but sure I will see Ane again this term, and excited to get moved into my room in Tübingen and start school!
That photo of the Falkenstein castle made me all nostalgic! Your train ride and check-in tomorrow is going to be great! Have tons of fun for me- I'll be thinking about you! Hugs!