Friday, April 1, 2011

Photographic proof

that I am here in beautiful Germany. :)

I went for a short walk to the local park, Viktoriapark. It is warm enough that I wore just jeans and a sweater! I hope the weather continues like this or gets warmer - nothing colder please! There were small flowers in the fields in the park, which were so pretty. The fresh air was great, and so was the feeling of going for a walk all by myself in another country. That's a first step and before you know it I'll be doing all sorts of independent things! Yay! Also, I spoke one German word to someone ("entschuldigung"). Go me!

Later, Ane came home from work and made dinner (a delicious salad and ravioli with cream sauce, yum). We had a lovely conversation and meal, and now she is at choir rehearsal and I am making myself stay up for another 30 minutes before bed-time! Go Laura!

So here are some photos : me, in Viktoriapark, on a bench that Peter and I took photos at last summer (yeah, yeah, I look a little hour of sleep!):

One of my favorite views - out the kitchen window:

The desk from which I am blogging:

My next destination - my cozy bed!


  1. I remember that bench! How fun!! Thank you for the posts and all the gorgeous pictures!

    Also, what's the upside down jar outside the kitchen window? I don't remember that from the last time I was there... :P

    Hugs to you and my mom! You're all so ... insanely amazing.

  2. The jar is where your mom is growing alfalfa sprouts! She put seeds in the jar a while ago, and water I guess, and poof. She has been doing it for a few weeks now. You can't see, but the lid of the jar is porous for air. It's quite neat!

    Thanks for commenting. :)
